The great temples of Angkor Wat are situated in the province of Siem Reap. This area is considered the biggest temple complex of the world and revealed itself after being hidden in the Jungle for many years.The whole area is about 400 km that also includes the surrounding forest

This boy sold me 10 bracelets. The children told me that they go to school Monday thur Saturday from 8am-11am. They spend the rest of their day selling at the temple. They may not have a lot of time in school but they sure are good at business.

ELEPHANT TERRACE: Dates back to the late 12th century with 13th century additions.

I am amazed at how the women can balance goods on their heads, I wish I had their talent for balancing.

Angelina Jolie Temple or should I say Lara Croft?? I need to see that movie.

This baby's mother tried to sell me him for $5 US dollars. I said yes but the transaction never happened. I thought my mom would not approve of me bring a baby home but she told me that she wants an Asian baby! I fear getting peed on because non of the children wear diapers!

The bus ride to Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia was horrible! The driver honked at every person, truck and dog along the way. They make way to many stops along the way in hopes that we will buy from the people. The particular stop had girls wearing tarantula and selling deep-fried tarantulas... so gross! I am sorry but I would never kiss anyone eats spiders!! Stanley, Nate and Kimi all ate the spiders and I wanted to vomit!!

The Cambodian genocide of 1975-1979, in which approximately 1.7 million people lost their lives (21% of the country's population), was one of the worst human tragedies of the last century. The Khmer Rouge regime headed by Pol Pot combined extremist ideology with ethnic animosity and disregard for human life to produce repression, misery, and murder on a massive scale.
I would recommend the book ' Surviving the Killing Fields'; despite the depressing nature of the book it is inspirational and contains a story about how love can conquer all.
TUOL SLENG MUSEUM: In 1975,Tuol Svay Prey High School was taken over by Pol Pot's security force and turned into a prison known as Security Prison 21 (S-21) It soon became the largest such centre of detention and torture in the country. Over 17,000 people held at S-21 were taken to the extermination camp at Choeung Ek to be executed; detainees who die during torture were buried in mass graves in the prison grounds.

CHEUNG EK KILLING FIELD: Between 1975 and 1978, about 20,000 men, women, children and infants (including nine westerners), detained and tortured at S-21 prison or Tuol Sleng Museum, were transported to the killing fields and murdered. To avoid wasting precious bullets the people were beaten with bamboo or metal weapons. The killing fields were 'hidden' in an old Chinese cemetery to avoid detection. The smell of thousands of decaying bodies did not keep it a secrete for long.

The whole day was so depressing and the tears continuously rolled down my checks; I kept asking myself how humans could be so careless to destroy other living beings.

The sunken pits of the mass graves. The graves were much smaller and shallower than I expected. I can not believe that the small pits were the resting areas of hundreds of malnourished bodies.

An old Chinese grave marker.

Human bones

This grave probably contained many important people because non could be identified because they were all head less.
Phnom Penh

Too many naked babies to count!

Phonm Penh is located where three rivers - the Mekong, the Bassac and Tonle Sap flow together. The city is divided into three sections - the north, an attractive residential area; the south or the French part of the city with its ministries, banks and colonial houses; and the centre or the heart with its narrow lanes, markets, foods stalls and shops.

The red creatures are bats the others are gross terminates and bugs!! Soooooo Gross!!

Look! The interns pretending to be friends!

The little boys in the red are performing for the children and a small audience. I have not seen many break dancers in SEA but they were very street and even spun on their heads on the cement!

The city by American standards is dirty.

lok lac beef!! The best part of Cambodia! I had it for dinner two nights!!

The View from the Royal Princess Hotel! One of the better places were stayed.