Sunday, May 31, 2009


Stanley’s new home was the first stop after Ralph’s apartment. If it was any indication of my new home I was getting nervous and the potential bug bites were making me itch. When I saw my new home for the first time, I feel in love! I live in the most beautiful Thai home.

This is our spirit house. Everyday we give it offerings of water, food and flowers. The spirit house is the home of the spirits that reside on the property. My mom grew up in an old house that was tore down once her parents died. She built a new home and continues to reside on this beautiful plot of land. The family wants to keep all the spirit happy! No wonder nothing bad ever happens here...

The home has two beautiful patios; they are connected by the stairs. I enjoy writing in my journal or reading my book in the evenings. I love watching the kids run around and get in water fights and splash my feet!

My new Thai family is so fabulous! My new siblings; Poo (8) is a wild big brother and made me laugh the second I met him. Pee (5) is the cutest Thai boy ever and is my monkey cuz he immediately started hanging on me, and the baby Pim (3) is the next Miss Universe; she is gorgeous. They are extraordinary cute kids and very well behaved and polite!!... At least that day.

My mom’s name is Ma Tu and she is the most petite thing I have ever seen. The Pa works in Bangkok as a police officer and only comes home every few months. My Ma’s grandma lives in the house and mostly we laugh at each other because we can‘t use words to communicate. The Pa’s grandpa lives at the house but he has a way of never being around. The Grandma’s brother lives on the property in Ma Tu’s parents’ old house. The family has 4 dogs, 2 skinny cats, about 4-20 lizards that live on the walls (mostly in the kitchen, family room, and upstairs bathrooms) and we also have a chicken farm in the yard.

My bedroom is unbelievable!! I live upstairs and have the most amazing view of the untamed jungle. Originally, my only furniture was my bed, which made my room more furnished than Stanley’s (he thought he would be sleeping on a mat). The first night at my new home was relaxing, comfortable and exactly where I want to be this summer. I knew I was placed in the perfect country, in the perfect village, and in the perfect home with the perfect bedroom. I woke up several times in the night my first week; I loved the quite sound of frogs and creatures outside of my window. I wake just in time to see the sunrise and I arrived at my own level of Zen.

The first weekend I woke up at 7:30am to the sound of Poo opening the curtains and sweeping the floor. When I am ready to get out of bed, he takes me downstairs to the table and serves me breakfast. Without asking, he gets me water, I decided, I must get my hands on a Thai baby! Poo is the perfect little boy until his brother Pee enters the room and they usually began to fight. My room is the best room to hang out in. The kids play on my laptop while I stared out my window and write in my journal. The last few days have been the most relaxing mornings I can remember in the history of my life. I have forgotten how I got out of bed in America. No offense Katey but I am sick of having you not treat me like a princess every single day!

The uncle Nikro, took me to lunch the day after I arrived. I didn’t want to leave the kids but decided exploring my village was more enticing then babysitting. We went to a restaurant in San Kamphang, I live outside of this village. The place had no front wall, had not been sanitized with cleaning supplies ever and it was very sketchy!! Luckily, my Mexico adventures helped me relax and just enjoy whatever parasites I would be encountering. The food was really good but I took it slow because I have one fear while in Thailand… THE KNOT!! Side note: I do not feel comfortable sharing THE KNOT just yet… it is the graphically disgusting portion of the blog that must wait until I feel more comfortable… some of the readers may already know about THE KNOT. I avoided the ice and totally got called out by the uncle, who speaks English. After lunch, we went to a convenience store. I needed a razor ASAP and had no money of worth. When the uncle offered to buy me some items I asked for a razor and I thought he would never stop laughing after discovering it was for my legs not my face. Apparently, Thai women don’t grow hair on their body but American woman grow hair on their face… well partial true, I do make a living waxing women’s faces. At the store the uncle asked if we could stop and see his friends for a half an hour. Naturally I had no choice but to say yes and I didn’t mind. He bought me sticky rice w/mango w/coconut milk. When we arrived at the friend’s house, there were 10 men waiting outside that immediately started hollering when they saw me. Turns out we were at a pool hall. I enjoyed the most delicious food put on this earth while they played for 2 hours. I was not bored because I was enjoying the breeze and contemplating why I have never taken a Thursday afternoon off just to chillax with my friends. The pool hall changed my life! I no longer want to live my stressed-out crazy busy life; I want more chillaxin time with friends and to enjoy life more! The whole day made me fall in love with Thailand; they may not have all the necessary luxuries that Americans treasure, but they enjoy life. I think the secret to life is happiness, not collecting worldly possessions. Northern Thailand has a slow economy that sees little impact from the current global recession; this is purely based on my observations thus far. I will probably go off on more of these tangents because I will be conducting research for my internship paper on a related topic.

My children at home called to see where I was and to whine about how the uncle should have just bought food from the lady on the motorcycle that stops by the house every day. Truth be told, I was starting to miss my new babies after being separated for 2 hours.

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